There's still Finals Week, but a nice dinner at Firebird's in the Millcreek Mall provided an enjoyable way to get away from the books for awhile.
In addition to being amazing writers, performers, and producers, our students are also the national judges for all high school content submitted to the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System's media awards competition. Congratulations again to WHJE (91.3 Carmel, IN) on your status as Best High School Radio Station in the Nation for 2024.
Pictured here (left-to-right), just as the desserts arrived, are 90.5 WERG senior managers Brianna Barr, Jem Neumann (graduating), Khoi Huynh, Madeline Emerson, and Dr. Chet LaPrice.
Break a leg on finals and congratulations to our Graduation Class of 2024. We hope to see you down the road over Homecoming Weekend! For now, best of luck on the new unfolding chapter. And we'll still be here: over the air and streaming on-line from Gannon University.